Since the beginning of the 90s has worked actively with composite materials in various constellations. Our main focus has been to repair and then protect concrete and steel against various types of attack.
- 1980´s - Anders Sjöberg started a company working with thermal spraying.
- 1990´s - Cold methods needed and started working with epoxies and composites.
- 2000 - Started SST Slitskyddstekni AB
- 2010 - Invested in workshop with sandblasting hall, dedicated area for spraying and applying epoxies and composites.
- 2016 - Accuired Defensa Service AB who solely worked with Belzonas materials.
- 2023 - Assigned the distributorship of Belzona in Sweden. All operations involving Belzona will take place in the newly started company Svensk Kompositteknik AB